Like many other cities in Europe, Brno has a great number of historical buildings related to Christianity to visit. It also has a synagogue and a mosque.
A cathedral, a basilica, churches, and chapels – there are many sacred buildings in Brno. Some are of great historical value, and some boast unique architectural elements. This tour will take you to the most interesting ones.
Most of the churches in Brno are Roman Catholic. The cathedral on Petrov Hill is one of the prominent features on the city skyline. There are also churches dedicated to St James, St Michael, and St Thomas. In Staré Brno (Old Brno), you can visit Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie (the Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady), founded in the 14th century by Queen Elisabeth Richeza.
The golden cupola of Pravoslavný chrám sv. Václava (the Orthodox Church of St Wenceslas) on Špilberk Hill is certain to catch your eye. Brno also has Protestant churches, including Červený kostel (the Red Church) and the functionalist Husův sbor (Czechoslovak Hussite Church building). Agudas Achim, the only surviving synagogue of Brno’s original four, is another place worth visiting. The city also holds the first Czech mosque, which was built in Vídeňská Street in 1998.
Parts of tour
Cathedral of St Peter and Paul
Cathedral dominating the city from atop Petrov Hill
Church of St James (Kostel sv. Jakuba)
One of the country’s most valuable late Gothic buildings
Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady (Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie)
Often described as a jewel of Gothic architecture in Moravia
Jan Amos Comenius Church (Kostel J. A. Komenského)
This evangelical church was built in the Brick Gothic style
Church of St Thomas (Kostel sv. Tomáše)
Originally a Late Gothic Augustinian monastery church
Orthodox Church of St Wenceslas (Pravoslavný chrám sv. Václava)
Brno’s only Orthodox church holds a tragic place in history
Agudas Achim Synagogue
Brno’s only preserved synagogue and in a functionalist style
Church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie)
The remnant of a Jesuit college from the early 20th century
Church of St Michael (Kostel sv. Michala)
Roman Catholic church next to Nová radnice (New Town Hall)
Hussite Church Building (Husův sbor)
Churches represent a specific category of functionalism in Brno
Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross and Capuchin crypt (Kostel Nalezení sv. Kříže a Kapucínská hrobka)
The buildings convey the simple spirit of the Capuchin style
Church of Blessed Mary Restituta
Brno’s newest church was built thanks to the financial donations of the faithful in the Lesná housing estate in Brno.
Church Of Saint Johns And Loreto Chapel
Church with a copy of the stairs from Jerusalem, which Jesus climbed to reach Pilate
Church of St Giles
The oldest operating church in Brno
Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Klaudius Madlmayr conceived the structure as a traditional Romanesque basilica.
Church of Saint Augustine
This white church was designed by architect Vladimír Fischer. Is an example of individualist architectural expression from the interwar period.
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