Explore Brno 4 km (2 hours)


Brno is full of valuable historical buildings and interesting places. For a true feel of just how amazing this city is, here’s a list of its must-see locations.

You should definitely visit the two dominant hills in the city centre. On Petrov Hill, you can admire Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla (the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul), and at the top of Špilberk Hill, you’ll find the city’s famous castle, which contains a museum and casemates. It was known as the harshest jail in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Close to Zelný trh (the Vegetable Market) is Stará radnice (the Old Town Hall) with the fabled dragon of Brno in its passageway, historical halls, and a lookout tower. The Brno underground promises unforgettable experiences, such as Vodojemy Žlutý kopec (Žlutý kopec Water Tanks), Labyrint pod Zelným trhem (the Labyrinth under the Vegetable Market), Sklep pod novou radnicí (Cellar under the New Town Hall), and the second-largest ossuary in Europe. If you’re interested in sacred historical buildings, make sure not to miss Kostel sv. Jakuba (the Church of St James) and Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie (the Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady).

Don’t forget also to visit underground reservoirs in Žlutý kopec – they won the first place in the Tourist News 2020 poll on the kudyznudy.cz website!

The TOP destinations in Brno will help you appreciate the past as well as the present, as you visit places that radiate with the atmosphere of this special city.

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