Tourist Information – Radnická Street

Opening hours

Daily 9:00 - 18:00

Address and contact

Both visitors and locals can connect to the internet, get important information, and purchase city guides, maps, souvenirs, and tickets to various events. You can arrange for a guided tour of any of our attractions, and book accommodation at an interesting hotel. A new bookshop was recently added to the centre, offering books about the city as well as books from authors who call Brno home.

You will notice new furniture and display cases brought to you, and us, by architect Eva Beránková of the studio. The furniture is inspired by that used in the information centre at Panenská street and incorporates the new visual image of TIC BRNO, while respecting and emphasising the historical atmosphere of the premises.
The information centre at 8 Radnická Street is open year-round, seven days a week. It holds the A.T.I.C.’s A-level classification for a superior range and quality of services.